Prayer is a central part of our ministry at Salem!  We have several groups that meet for prayer throughout the week. We regularly pray for several people, along with other prayer requests as they arise. You can submit prayer requests using the prayer card in the pew rack and place them in the wooden box by the Caring Ministry Lounge in the Gathering Area. You can all email the caring ministry team at or fill out the prayer request form. 

Requests are confidential, but can be sent out to Salem’s email prayer chain if requested.  

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Contemplative Prayer Music

Quiet instrumental music for your quiet prayer time provide by our own Salem musicians.


Prayer Keepers

Meet weekly on Tuesdays at 11:00am.  We pray for Salem’s Mission, the staff, council, pew card requests, prayer chain requests, and those known to be hospitalized and/or have special needs. The concerns shared for our own family members are an important part of this ministry.  Prayer Keepers is a rich faith building opportunity – a great source of power for any church. All are welcome.  Requests are kept confidential.

Email Prayer Chain 

Always available to anyone in need of prayer.  These needs can be communicated by contacting the church office either by calling, sending an email or simply leaving a note in the church offering plate.  All prayer requests are completely confidential and are not discussed between prayer members.  

Hooks & Needles Prayer Shawl Group

Meets at church every Thursday from 1-3:00pm.   Questions, please contact Bonnie Bush.  We hope that you will consider giving a prayer shawl or a prayer square to someone who is going through an illness or a difficult time, and also someone having a milestone birthday, graduation, or other momentous occasion.  Available in the church office.